Blog: Cat



At Acadia Veterinary Hospital, we can offer the most current advice on preventative health care, including the right vaccinations for your loving cat. Vaccines are an important part of preventative health care for your cat. Some vaccines, such as rabies, can be required by law. Other vaccines are simply good...

Overweight Cat Help

Every day you make choices regarding your cat’s nutrition, a level of exercise and overall well-being. These choices are particularly important when you notice that your cat gained a few extra pounds, or when you notice that your cat enjoys lounging around more than playing. It is estimated in North...


Nail Trimming and Ear Cleaning

We perform nail trimming, ear cleaning, lion cuts and hygiene clips. These can be done with sedation for our more feisty patients.


Kitten Vaccinations

Congratulations – if you have a new kitten! You’ve anticipated the new arrival by ‘kitten-proofing’ your home and had lots of fun choosing the carrier, bed, blanket, toys and other supplies he will need. This adorable little bundle of fluff is sure to bring you much joy. In return, you...