Wintertime Pet Tips

The winter weather is bound to be with us a while longer, and along with chilly temperatures come extra measures to ensure our furry friends stay healthy and warm! Here are several tidbits to keep in mind when the thermostat is dropping:

  • Though most of our four-legged friends come sporting their own fur coat, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are already dressed for the season. Some “colder climate” breeds (ie: Husky, Malamute, Samoyed) may be very happy with an extended stroll in a winter wonderland, but others may benefit from some winter apparel. A jacket and boots may go a long way in keeping Fido happy and warm.
  • Salt on our roadways may make for safer driving, but can wreak havoc on our pup’s paws! Combine that with rough, icy sidewalks, and the results are far from a walk in the park. Please be sure to wash off your pup’s pads after an icy trek. Pet-friendly alternatives for salt are also readily available. Also booties may be worn in order to save your pup’s precious paws.
  • The safest spot in a storm is warm and cozy inside! Snow in the forecast? It may be best to keep all your furry friends inside. Pets that regularly go outside can easily become disoriented during a blizzard and may have a hard time finding their way home, or may end up trapped by drifting or plowed snow.
  • Pets that spend a portion of the day outside also need a dependable supply of fresh water. With freezing temps outside, this may mean obtaining a heated water dish.
  • Some pets have a very real aversion to cold or stormy weather, and this can be problematic when it’s time for Fido to answer nature’s call! Training your dog to use a puppy-pad/turf-pad for these occasions may be a worthwhile endeavour.
  • Like us, our pets may tend to be a bit more sedentary in the winter months. Be sure to monitor your pet’s weight and adjust their diet appropriately to ensure Fido and Fluffy stay fit.

So, even though it’s colder, there’s no reason you and your pets can’t enjoy our Canadian winters! Get out and Enjoy!

Written by by Danika Cormier, RVT