Signs That Should Never Be Ignored!

Your pet’s not feeling 100% and you’re thinking you should wait and see how it goes. Though this is rarely recommended, there are some situations where waiting will surely cost you in the long run. Here are a few examples of pet problems that should not wait, as they may be easily (and economically) treated early on, but as things escalate, so can the cost of treatment.

1- Cat Bite

Did your furry-friend get into a scuffle and come home a little worse for wear? That little puncture wound may not look like much right now, but within a few days it can become a seriously infected and pus-filled abscess. By coming in the same day as the scuffle, your furry-friend may only need some antibiotics to combat possible infection, however waiting those few days could mean that your pet now needs to be hospitalized, sedated, the abscess lanced and drained, and will still need a full course of antibiotics.


2- Straining to pee/Peeing blood

If your pet is straining to go, this definitely should not wait. Whether it turns out to be crystals, stones or an infection, sooner is better than later. Caught early on, some stones can even be dissolved through a simple change in diet, which in turn could save you the expense of surgery. If it turns out to be an infection, your pet will be relieved to have this dealt with as well, since they can cause a fair bit of discomfort and can potentially spread if left untreated.


3- Cat not eating

Cats can be finicky creatures, so it may be easy for some people to dismiss the fact that their cat hasn’t eaten for over a day. This could simply be due to a change in their environment, a new (and unwelcome) friend, or a diet they aren’t pleased with. However, it is essential this not be ignored. When a cat suddenly stops eating, it’s body will naturally start breaking down it’s own fat reserves, and this can cause serious trouble for some cats. The resulting condition is called Hepatic Lipidosis, or in basic terms, fatty liver. If allowed to get to this point, you would likely see yellowing of the gums, inside of the ears, and of the whites of the eyes. Better to bring your cat in as soon as you notice the change in eating habits, than to wait and end up being hospitalized for liver failure.


4- Eye issues

One of the first things I learned in college: If it affects the eye, it’s an emergency! A tiny scratch can become an infected ulcer in very little time. Not to mention that it’s likely causing a fair bit of discomfort to your furry friend. A course of eye drops may be all you need to remedy the situation. Left to fester, a full course of antibiotics, surgery, or enucleation (removal of the eye) may even be required!

Once again, this is by no means a complete list of things that shouldn’t wait, however we get frequent questions regarding these issues. Whenever the health of your pet is in question, never hesitate to call us!


In the end, an ounce of prevention if worth a pound of cure!!


By Danika Cormier RVT